Federal Public Service Commission FIA Assistant Director - Questions 11 January, 2019
- Who is the foreign Minister of Russia? Ans Sergey Lavrov
- Which Country has recently imposed Carbon Tax from 2019 to cut its green house gas emissions? Singapore
- International women day is celebrated each year on ? 8 March
- What was the theme of international forest day 2018? Forest and Sustainable cities
- Mania of stealing things is known as ? Kleptomania
General Knowledge
- Which is the Currency of Russia? Russian Rubble
- Allama Iqbal born in which city ? Sialkot
- Khewra Salt mine is in which province of Pakistan? Punjab
- CPEC has how many special economic zones? 9
- Which planet is near to earth? Venus
- Who was the President of the 1st Constituent Assembly of Pakistan ? Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- In 1970 election main political parties were ? Awami League and PPPP
- 33rd ASEAN Summit held in which Country? Singapore
- Imran Khan Visited China in 2018? November 2 to 5 2018
- President Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un met in which country? Singapore
- Headquarter of ASEAN is situated in which country? Jakarta, Indonesia
- Last Counter Terrorism Operation by Pakistan Army started in which year?
Current Affairs
- International Day against Women violence is celebrated each year on__? 25th November
- Current GDP of Pakistan is ____? $309.68 Billion
- Jamal Khashogi was a ? Journalist
- International forest day is celebrated each year ? 21st March
- Who is the Current Secretary of the State in USA? Mike Pompeo
- Saudi Arabia has given package to Pakistan of how much worth in 2018? $6 Billion package
- Which Country is being declared more dangerous by USA ?
Every Day Science / General Science MCQs
- Which Instrument measures very high temperature ? Pyrometer
- Life span of White Blood Cells ? 13 to 20 days
- Which planet moves faster around Sun? Mercury
- Speed of Light is ? 186000 Miles / Second
- Sound waves are ____? longitudinal
- Which water will freeze at last (River, Sea, Canal? Sea water
- Nano meter is equivalent to ? 1 x 10 -9
- Comets have orbits ?
- Light beam after passing from prism splits into how many colors? 7 colors
- Color of the blood is due to ____?
- Which statement is true about ? Sound does not travel through vacuum
- In cold countries which is mixed in ice to prevent slipping on the road? Salt
Islamiat MCQs
- Rabia Basri born in ____? Iraq
- Which angel is given responsibility to bring rain? Hazrat Mikail
- Battle of Karbala took place in Which Hijri Year? 61 A.H
- Which Prophet was a Carpenter ? Hazrat Zakariya (A.S)
- Number of the daughter of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) ? Four
- Abu Huraira accepted Islam in which year?
- FIA is headed by? Director General
- High treason
- Passport act
- What section is Repeal Section?
- Power of Member of Delegate power
- Schedule Amendment by ?
- Special Police establishment
- Provincial and Special police
- Custom act section
- Which section is 3?
- Federal Govt called any property police station?
- Members can 1. arrest 2. search or Both
- Indemnity
- How DG may order (in written, verbal or both)
- DG gives member of agency (may give power may not or both)
Basic Arithmetic MCQs
- A man have 3 coats 6 shirsts and 2 trousers. In how many way he can dress
- Momentum (000) F= 2i-j+K) to (111)
- Work done. (111), (111)
- Probability in balls not the white one
- Probability in ball white or the other
- Probablitity of green ball not to come out from red black
- Which side will be opposite to the largest angle.
- Sum of 3, 3/4 3/16, 3/64......?
- Centroid of a triangle having vertices 1,1,1 - 2,2,2 - 3,3,3
- Imaginary part of multiplicative inverse or 6+3i
- Conjugate of complex number is?
- Vector projection
- One was aij = 0 for all j =1,2,3,...,n which matrix is this
- One was sum of first 60 odd numbers
- One was sum of first 60 even numbers

Submitted by: Asan Mcqs