Federal Public Service Commission FIA Inspector Batch 5 Questions 8th January, 2019.
1: synonym of veracity
2: antonym of distitute
3: tashqand declaration signed on
4: one unit formed in
5: one unit disolved in
6 : atiq is the title of
7: qadiani declared non muslim on which date
8: pakistan accept bangaldash in (Pakistan accept Bangladesh as a state? Exact date n year was given)
9: who was prime minister ok pak at time of cirst martial law
10: friends are not master autobigraphy of
11: military exercise held in october with which country
12: in US senate which party got majority
13: bows in holy quran
14: kartarpur border cinnect narowal with indiam district
15: When will usa next presidential election
16: 2018 fifa world cup hosted by which country
17: Which gas used in cold drinks
18: Multan metro project funded by which source
19: Capital of america?
20: next presidential election in america??
21: which district of pakistan connected in kartarpur corridor?
22: panama in which region ??
23: 1958 who is pm of pakistan ?
24: bows in quran ??
25: Detailed ammendment of pakistan constitution 1973?
26: us midterm election which party won maximum seats?
27: friends not masters book written by ??
28: G20 Summit will be held in which city ?
29: Which cricketer equal record with imran Khan in test match? Yasir shah
30: Kpk chief minister?
31: Types of faith? 2 3 or 4
32: Cpec will pass through which zone of Pakistan?
33: Kartarpur border near which Indian state?
34: Which Muslim country showed interest in cpec? Saudi Arabia
35: Light year is unit of? Time, distance or light
36: Who was PM of Pakistan during marshal law 1958?
37: Jumma pray is not compulsory for? Man, women, both, none
38: Bangladesh separate from Pakistan? 1971 ( date was also given)
39: C.G.S Unit of Work
40: Tashkent Agreement date
41: When Pak Recognise Bangladesh
42: Next USA elections date
43: Dengue caused by
44: loudness depends on
45: PM name at time of first marital law
46: Multan Metro project financed by
47: USA Senate dominated by which party
48: Alternate current RMS Value
49: in which battle Prophet Muhammad Missed 4 Nama
50: Qadiani declared non Muslim date
51: Where is Panama
52: Pak Joined SCO On which date
53: CaSO4 is formed by
54: CM KPK Name
55: Beat the winds idiom
1: synonym of veracity
2: antonym of distitute
3: tashqand declaration signed on
4: one unit formed in
5: one unit disolved in
6 : atiq is the title of
7: qadiani declared non muslim on which date
8: pakistan accept bangaldash in (Pakistan accept Bangladesh as a state? Exact date n year was given)
9: who was prime minister ok pak at time of cirst martial law
10: friends are not master autobigraphy of
11: military exercise held in october with which country
12: in US senate which party got majority
13: bows in holy quran
14: kartarpur border cinnect narowal with indiam district
15: When will usa next presidential election
16: 2018 fifa world cup hosted by which country
17: Which gas used in cold drinks
18: Multan metro project funded by which source
19: Capital of america?
20: next presidential election in america??
21: which district of pakistan connected in kartarpur corridor?
22: panama in which region ??
23: 1958 who is pm of pakistan ?
24: bows in quran ??
25: Detailed ammendment of pakistan constitution 1973?
26: us midterm election which party won maximum seats?
27: friends not masters book written by ??
28: G20 Summit will be held in which city ?
29: Which cricketer equal record with imran Khan in test match? Yasir shah
30: Kpk chief minister?
31: Types of faith? 2 3 or 4
32: Cpec will pass through which zone of Pakistan?
33: Kartarpur border near which Indian state?
34: Which Muslim country showed interest in cpec? Saudi Arabia
35: Light year is unit of? Time, distance or light
36: Who was PM of Pakistan during marshal law 1958?
37: Jumma pray is not compulsory for? Man, women, both, none
38: Bangladesh separate from Pakistan? 1971 ( date was also given)
39: C.G.S Unit of Work
40: Tashkent Agreement date
41: When Pak Recognise Bangladesh
42: Next USA elections date
43: Dengue caused by
44: loudness depends on
45: PM name at time of first marital law
46: Multan Metro project financed by
47: USA Senate dominated by which party
48: Alternate current RMS Value
49: in which battle Prophet Muhammad Missed 4 Nama
50: Qadiani declared non Muslim date
51: Where is Panama
52: Pak Joined SCO On which date
53: CaSO4 is formed by
54: CM KPK Name
55: Beat the winds idiom

Submitted by: Asan Mcqs